Indie Major is a podcast devoted to the stories and visions of Individualized Majors at the University of Connecticut. Special thanks to UConn Enrichment Programs and WHUS Radio for their generous support. Our music is by Heatlamp.
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Individualized Major: International Human Resources
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why Individualized? An individualized major allowed me to pursue what I felt was important to what my goal was and what I wanted to accomplish post-graduation. My interests far exceeded what I was doing as a former psychology major, and no other major quite had what I wanted.
Most memorable course or project from your major? It's been said many times, but the ability to pursue research on what ultimately culminated in my senior capstone, which focused on the history of management in Japan and its effects on modern-day society.
An individual who inspired you? Not a real individual per se, but Ben Stiller's character, Walter Mitty, in his eponymous film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. He decides to embody the fictitious motto created for Life magazine: "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life." Krista Rogers, the current Assistant Director of Pre-Professional Advising, IMJR program alum, and my former Japanese professor, was also a big inspiration for me in helping me form and solidify my interests and intent. Her mentorship, advice, and guidance was, is, and forever will be appreciated!
Future plans? At this time, I intend to enter the workforce, and eventually enroll in language school in Japan to improve my grasp of the language and to prepare me for business-level conversations.
Individualized Major: Community and Environmental Health
Graduation Date: December 2024
Why Individualized? Throughout my freshman and sophomore years of college, I found myself wanting more than what any single or double major could give. I began as a Biology major, then an MCB and Sociology double major, but I found that the individualized major was the best way to get exactly what I wanted out of my studies.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The most memorable part of my entire undergraduate career was the research paper I completed for my capstone course. While the actual subject matter and research was incredibly important to me, even more formative for me was getting to challenge myself both creatively and academically. I knew I wanted to write a paper which ignored all conventions of the typical undergraduate research paper. By combining elements of prose, poetry, and academic research, I fully embodied the spirit of the individualized major, which encourages deep, interdisciplinary thinking and creativity.
An individual who inspired you? As I sat to write the final section of my paper, I realized how influential my oldest sister who has been in my academic and personal growth. My sister graduated from a top university in the country, and now she is the live-in mechanic/organizer for a community bike shop in Houston, Texas. She taught me everything I know about building community through knowledge and hands-on work
Future plans? I am currently working at Holy Family Home and Shelter, the largest family homeless shelter in Eastern Connecticut. As I continue there, I also plan to start graduate school, either in Public Health or Social work.
2/5/25 Mariam Vargas
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: International Relations
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why Individualized? To go deeper into International Relations classes
Most memorable course or project from your major? "The Politics of Torture" (POLS 3428), "Introduction to Genocide Studies" (HRTS 2200), and the Capstone project I wrote on "Transitional Justice."
An individual who inspired you? All of the professors in the Political Science Department and the Human Rights Institute who focus on studying and understanding some of the worst of humanity and who still show up and connect with us students daily!
Future plans? Rangel Fellowship, interning at the Hill this summer, and a Masters of International Relations program in the fall!
12/10/24 Alexis Torres
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Marine Resources and Indigenous Communities
Graduation Date: December 2023
Why Individualized? With an individualized major, I was able to blend together my two passions; environmental protection and helping underrepresented communities thrive. In order to understand all the possible ways the two intersected, I needed to develop an innovative major that viewed the world through an intersectional and equitable lens.
Most memorable course or project from your major? For my thesis project, I conducted policy research in fisheries management. The final product was a policy brief titled “Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in NOAA’s National Standards II.”
An individual who inspired you? Maritime Studies and History Professor, and former Obligatory Delegate for the New England Fisheries Council, Matthew McKenzie played a significant role as an inspiring mentor throughout my academic career.
IMJR life impact? My major created opportunity in career development, as I am currently working for the Town of Groton in the Office of Planning and Development Services as the new Sustainability and Resilience Specialist.
11/20/24 Nick English
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Sports Promotion & Entrepreneurship
Graduation Date: December 2024
Why Individualized? The individualized major allowed me to build out a major that's well-aligned to the specific field that I want to be in. The traditional marketing major would teach me the foundations of marketing, while the DMD's digital marketing major would teach me more of a digitized and social media version. By taking the same courses that would be offered in one or the other and combining those with sports courses, I feel like I've come out so much more prepared to approach a job in athletics.
Most memorable course or project from your major? It might not really be a project from a course I've taken, but Championship Labs is 100% my favorite project I've worked to build out through the last couple of years here at UConn. Being able to be there from day one and build the presence that we now have on campus has been monumental. Working with athletics to gain experience in building out content, promoting athlete brands, and developing a thriving community has been huge. Especially for my personal growth, it's allowed me to step outside of that box of just being a graphic designer and step more into a role of an all-around creative.
An individual who inspired you? I've had inspiration from a lot of places over the years. David Noble the director of the Werth Institute has been huge in my growth over the past couple of years. His insight into business and the field I want to be in stretches further than anyone I've ever met. I've also had a ton of mentors from UConn, including Ryan Gresh who owns the Feel Good Lab, which focuses on combating pain with all-natural pain relief products as well as promoting the importance of prioritizing wellness, reducing inflammation, and just putting the right things inside our bodies. Terrence Brown, Director of Suite Sales at the Buffalo Bills' new stadium, and Donnell Beverly, President at Russell Westbrook Enterprises, are two UConn alumni that I met during my time in LA with Championship Labs who have also been very valuable mentors.
Future plans? I'd love to continue building out my creative agency Nclusve. We focus on building content and branding strategies for sports, food, and lifestyle brands. I would also love to gain some experience and connections by working with either a sports agency, sports media company (ESPN, FOX, CBS, etc), or even within a league/team.
11/6/24 Rachel Levy
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Fashion Engineering and Durability
Graduation Date: May 2026
Why Individualized? Well, it seemed the most fitting major at the time that I was going to switch my major.
Most memorable course or project from your major? So far it’s a project from my Brand Management class. We made a presentation of what our brand is, and I used it to tell my story about who I was and what my major involved.
An individual who inspired you? Truthfully, there’s no one person that inspired me, but if I had to really pick, it would probably be Mike Rowe who hosted the show Dirty Jobs!
Future plans? To build a business and to achieve my dream of having my own clothing line!
10/30/24 Alexsia Newman
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Developmental Neuroscience
Graduation Date: May 2026
Why Individualized? I wanted to explore the connections between mental health and physical health in the medical field in a way that is not typically offered. This major has helped me see the importance of mental health care, specifically for pediatric patients. In the future, I hope to learn more about how mental disorders and physical disorders are correlated in developing humans.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My most memorable class was PSYC 2400, Developmental Psychology. In this class I was able to explore different adverse experiences in childhood and how children were affected, both mentally and physically. It inspired me to pay more attention to the psychology of patients and learn how their lives were affected as a whole.
An individual who inspired you? Growing up, I knew family members with mental health issues and saw how they were affected. Their whole life was affected by one diagnosis. Knowing I wanted to go into medicine, I wanted to be wary of what other illnesses could underly such a diagnosis. My whole family is supportive of my goals and has inspired me to make my own path!
Future plans? I would love to eventually become a pediatric PA or Doctor. Working in a children’s hospital would be my dream in order to make a difference for pediatric patients.
Click here for more information on the BAND Lab.
10/23/24 Krista Rogers
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Japanese Studies
Graduation Date: May 2011
Why Individualized? After high school, I wanted to allow myself to pursue my biggest passion—Japan and the Japanese language—through formal study as an undergraduate. The ability to create an interdisciplinary plan of study combining fields of interest, including linguistics, history, and anthropology, in addition to study abroad courses, was very appealing to me so that I could approach topics through multiple lenses. The IMJR Program made my experience at UConn so much more meaningful.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My undergraduate Honors thesis served as the capstone for my IMJR. I examined the soft power potential of transnational popular music on Japanese-Korean relations near the start of the “Korean Wave,” when K-dramas and K-pop were just beginning to take Japan by storm. A large part of it was also researching the historical context of how Japan’s colonization of Korea continues to impact modern relations and the treatment of ethnic Koreans who live in Japan. It’s a little strange to think that there’s still a copy of my thesis in the room across from my current office!
An individual who inspired you? I truly don’t think that my IMJR would have been possible without the teaching, mentoring, and support of Dr. Alexis Dudden (HIST). From sharing the post-war origins of Godzilla to helping me navigate the fallout of an unprecedented triple natural disaster in 2011, she continues to inspire and advocate for me in many ways to this day. Dr. Cathy Schlund-Vials (ENGL/AAAS), who’s unfortunately no longer at UConn, also served as an important mentor during my time as an undergraduate.
IMJR life impact? I will forever be connected to Japan, and a small town called Kogota (literally “small cow rice paddy”) in Miyagi Prefecture will always be my second home. My IMJR led me to the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program, my part-time translation job for an online news blog, and teaching JAPN 1101 & 1102 at UConn. I’ve stayed in touch with so many close Japanese friends and former students that have even come to visit or study at UConn. My students connect with my teacher/professor friends’ classes through letter and video exchanges. Not to mention, my husband actually just spent the past 2.5 years working for Woven by Toyota in Tokyo, so I was able to spend some extended time in the country again and explore even more new places.
Click here for more information on Asian and Asian American Studies at UConn.
10/2/24 Justin Guinta
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Criminal Behavior
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why Individualized? I chose to do an individualized major to give myself a holistic experience in understanding behavior. The deeper I dive into my studies, the more I understand that everything that someone does influences their internal cognition and their external behaviors. Being an individualized major allowed me to analyze behavior from all perspectives to ultimately determine what makes people act in "criminal" ways.
Most memorable course or project from your major? There have been so many great opportunities that it's hard to pick just one! So therefore, I'll pick two. First, my internship with NCIS, which you can hear all about on the podcast - it gave me a realistic understanding of how law enforcement actually functions versus the ways it is dramatized on TV. Second, my research with Dr. Talbert in the Health Equity Lab. It has allowed me to further see and demonstrate the necessity for one's involvement in society. These hands-on experiences gave me an understanding of how societies function beyond a classroom understanding.
An individual who inspired you? Here are some short shoutouts to a few of the people that have inspired me throughout my lifetime: my team at NCIS this summer for giving me such a great internship experience, my Middle School Gateway to Technology teacher, Mr. Natalino, for sparking my interest in the subject, Dr. Bradley Wright for teaching me how to find my purpose and calling in life, Dr. Ryan Talbert for being a phenomenal PI and encouraging me to not sell myself short, Trisha Hawthorne-Noble for guiding me through significant leadership growth, and my family for continually pushing me towards academic, social, and personal greatness.
Future plans? Short term, I plan to study the effects of public policy and leadership on criminology - hopefully, this will culminate in a Master's degree (or two). Long term, I hope to work in management of Federal Law Enforcement to provide and implement true equitable safety for all people that call America home.
9/25/24 Sydney Seldon
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Sustainable Communities
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why Individualized? Humanity's unique ability to create, steward, and sustain culture leaves me in constant awe. The opportunity to express such creative force in an academic degree excited me beyond my heart's content. I couldn't pass up the chance to explore a more social perspective in my environmental science degree. Rooted in my "imago Dei" belief, I wanted to design a degree that reflected me as much as possible.
Most memorable course or project from your major? Leadership in Community-Based Conservation, taught by Dr. Laura Cisneros, sparked my desire to design a major. Due to the course and several other factors, my life before and after has been distinctly different. It has also fueled the pursuit of courses such as Culture and Conservation with Dr. Eleanor Ouimet and Environmental Sustainability of Food Production in Developing Countries with Dr. Roy Davis, which have marked considerable shifts in how I engage with course material.
An individual who inspired you? It's challenging to single out just one person who has inspired me. My engagement with the Natural Resource Conservation Academy, Office of Sustainability, and the UConn Navigators, among other spaces, has exposed me to many inspiring people. Selecting one would be a disservice to the many who have influenced me!
Future plans? So many! I want to live the rest of my life embracing the lifestyle of "accompaniment" - living and walking alongside others to awaken hearts and transform communities. I don't know what context that will be in. I may stay in the UConn/Willimantic area, accompanying college students as they ask big questions and navigate lives as emerging young adults. Perhaps I'll accompany immigrants and refugees in Clarkson, GA, as they leave their countries of origin and navigate new cultural and community dynamics. Or somewhere else! My major/lifestyle is about living for the sake of others, and I'll know where to go when the time comes. In the meantime, I'll spend every waking hour living intentionally to transform the community I've been placed in for the time being.
9/18/24 Suheera Haq
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Social Determinants of Reproductive Healthcare
Graduation Date: May 2026
Why Individualized? I chose to do an individualized major because I love the freedom of developing a unique plan of study catered towards my passions. I enjoy taking charge of my learning which is something not typically experienced in different majors.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The most memorable project is what I'm working on now, which is to provide women's health resources for free clinics in Worcester, MA.
An individual who inspired you? Personally, I was inspired by my mother to pursue a major in women's health.
Future plans? I plan to attend medical school and become a doctor within the women's health field.
4/24/24 Kekoa Krautkramer
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Multimedia Production
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I felt like I didn't fit into just one major at UConn. There were so many classes and opportunities presented and I wanted to explore as many as I could. When I transferred here halfway through my freshman year I was disappointed to find out there was no film program available. I learned I could create my own major that suits me and I immediately chose this route so that I would be able to take courses from different disciplines. Since then I have learned a lot in many areas and I feel that this was the most beneficial choice for me.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My Senior thesis has provided me with skills to help my future. My thesis is a research paper that reflects on a post I created for the company I am the social media intern for, The Farmer's Cow Calfe & Creamery. I went into depth researching, strategizing and taking apart the original post to figure out how to make it better and increase audience engagement. I made a completely new post with everything I learned and it was so rewarding to see all my hard work pay off as engagement increased. I can take away many lessons from this project that will apply to future advertising opportunities.
An individual who inspired you? My high school Video Production teacher, Danielle Crowe, is the reason I am pursuing media production today. Her class opened up a realm of possibility and is why I chose a path in visual media. My family also inspired me by encouraging my goals and providing me with unique media opportunities that I am forever grateful for and which have helped my career.
Future plans? My ultimate goal is to work either in journalism or sports reporting fields and see where opportunities may present themselves. I would like to also continue to work in UConn Athletic Video Services or start at a local news station.
4/15/24 Rehana Konate
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Crime, Law, and Justice
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I chose to be an individualized major because it allows me to explore my passions and interests through courses that I would not align with a typical major plan of study. Political science is my primary major, and it has provided me with a firm foundation in the political process and government. But then I realized that I wanted more, especially because I am passionate about helping others and advocating for those whose voices aren’t heard.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The most memorable course from my major would be Legal Aspects of Family Life with Terry Berthelot, who also serves as one of my advisors for this major.
An individual who inspired you? My mother has inspired me to pursue this major, especially because growing up she emphasized the importance of education and pursuing your dreams. During my childhood, my mother shared stories with us about her upbringing in Africa. These stories pushed me to double major as the political science major allows me to explore international affairs.
Future plans? I wish to boost the position of underrepresented people in our society and worldwide. However, like many determined people, my focus has to be singular. Ideally, after graduation, I hope to work with organizations that will have similar goals, before heading to law school next year.
4/8/24 Emily Jajliardo
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Visual Storytelling for Children
Graduation Date: December 2023
Why Individualized? I chose to be an individualized major because I had interest in both the child development domain as well as the visual production field, but I didn't want to limit myself to one field or the other. Being an individualized major allowed me to pursue both interests.
Most memorable course or project from your major? I loved all of my classes for my major, but one of the most memorable courses was my Advanced Visual Journalism course with Professor Steven Smith. One of the projects I did was a photo essay, where I photographed my friends in two different ways to portray the different stories they have to tell. I loved this project because Professor Smith helped me improve my photography and editing skills tenfold. I also loved this class because it was very small and I got to know my classmates very well.
An individual who inspired you? My former martial arts instructor Jenny had the biggest influence on me, as she was the one to truly foster my interest and passion for child development and teaching.
Future plans? I hope to be in the production field working as either an editor or camera operator for fictional TV shows or movies, with a general audience of children and adolescents. Additionally, I think it would be really cool if I could work with middle school age students teaching them video production and photography skills. They could use their skills to create their own short films or photographs, and at the end of their projects they would share their work with their friends and family in a red carpet premiere!
Click here to see Emily's documentary on Multimodal Classrooms!
4/1/24 Garrett Sasseville
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Integrative Exercise Physiology and Nutrition
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I chose an individualized major because I saw an opportunity to create a plan of study that integrated several aspects of two different majors and that was tailored to opportunities I see within my future.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The most memorable course I’ve taken is biomechanics, as this is the class that solidified my desire to study exercise science and one day go to physical therapy school.
An individual who inspired you? An individual who has inspired me was the professor I had for biomechanics, Dr. Lindsey DiStefano. She always taught and spoke with a sense of enthusiasm and intelligence that got me progressively more excited to learn more and one day put the knowledge into practice as she has.
Future plans? I plan to attend physical therapy school, and sometime in my future I would love to be involved in personal training and lifestyle coaching aimed towards helping individuals achieve their goals and live a healthier life in a world that has made it increasingly difficult.
3/25/24 Renee Haddad
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Creative Writing and Film
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I've been interested in writing and analyzing films for years, but I had never explored them in an academic setting. As I neared the end of my mathematics major, I knew I would have some flexibility and time to explore other topics. Thus, I began looking into ways that I could explore areas like creative writing and film through my courses and fortunately stumbled upon the possibility of creating an individualized major.
Most memorable course or project from your major? One of the most memorable courses I have taken as an individualized major is Film Writing (ENGL 3707/DMD 3830). In this course, we watched short films, analyzed specific aspects of different movie scenes, and learned how to create screenplays. This class allowed me to be creative and delve deeper into an area of filmmaking that I had been curious about. Through the course, I was even able to write my own short screenplay.
An individual who inspired you? My family has served as a continual source of inspiration throughout my life. They always push me to be the best I can and support me in all of my pursuits. Additionally, I am creatively inspired by many writers and directors. I am a big fan of the projects of Mike Flanagan, in particular.
Future plans? As of now, I am planning on pursuing graduate studies in mathematics. Although things are subject to change, I am aiming to earn my Ph.D. and potentially become a professor. I hope to continue writing screenplays in my spare time.
3/18/24 Sophie Takmopoulos
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Global Business in Health Innovation
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why Individualized? I chose to pursue an Individualized Major in "Global Business in Health Innovation" because it aligns perfectly with my passion for bridging the gap between science and business in the healthcare sector. While studying Biomedical Engineering initially, I realized I craved a broader perspective on health that could encompass both my technical expertise and strategic thinking skills. My Individualized Major has allowed me to tailor my studies to precisely fit my unique interests and career goals, integrating courses in global health, business development, and research methods. Through this specialized curriculum, I aim to become a leader in driving positive change and innovation in healthcare.
Most memorable course or project from your major? One of the most memorable courses from my major was "Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ENGR 3500)" taught by my advisor, Leila Daneshmandi, and Sam Nanayakkara. This course not only provided a comprehensive understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship principles but also challenged me to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios within the healthcare industry. Through developing a start-up company, and engaging projects and discussions, I gained valuable insights into the complexities of bringing innovative health solutions to market, further solidifying my passion for bridging the gap between science and business in the pursuit of health innovation.
An individual who inspired you? An individual who has profoundly inspired me is my Yeh-Yeh (Grandpa). Despite immigrating to the United States with nothing, he demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination. Rising through the ranks, he eventually became the Chief Resident and Head of the Faculty at the Outpatient Clinic of Beth Israel in Manhattan. His service as a major in the US Army for medicine during the Vietnam War exemplified his commitment to helping others, a value he carried throughout his life. Alongside my grandma, he established and ran a thriving private medical practice for over 40 years. What truly stands out to me is his unwavering work ethic; he continued to tirelessly work and care for others until his very last day, leaving behind a legacy of compassion and dedication that continues to inspire me daily.
Future plans? In the future, I plan to continue my involvement with Future Health Leaders, a club I co-founded and currently serve as the vice president, as it allows me to facilitate connections and support within the healthcare community. Additionally, I will continue my role as the Chief Operating Officer of a pharmaceutical company, leveraging my experience to contribute to its growth and success. My ultimate career goal is to also be in operations, strategy, and business development within the biotechnology sector. Considering further education, I am considering pursuing an MBA to deepen my understanding of business principles and enhance my leadership skills. Looking ahead, I aspire to establish a nonprofit organization dedicated to student education or providing assistance to those in need, allowing me to give back to the community and support future generations in achieving their goals.
3/4/24 Joseph Annan-Kingsley
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Global Health and Social Inequalities
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? Coming into college, I wanted to make sure that I had a major I was passionate and enjoyed talking about. I always knew I was interested in Medicine, Public Health, and global issues, but as a premed student it was difficult to combine these interests into one major without steering away from the hard sciences. This program not only allowed me to combine my interests, but also gave me a unique major that is relevant in today’s world. The courses in my plan of study helped me truly capture the essence of how social inequalities play a role in global health.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My most memorable project was a research project alongside my advisor, Dr. Ryan Talbert, about the impact of the Civil Rights Era Ku Klux Klan activities in the 1960s, and the rise of mass incarceration in the 1970s. This project challenged me to think critically about historical events and how their lasting
impacts are still being felt today. I was able to work with him and present it at the Annual Eastern Sociological Conference, alongside hundreds of presenters across the region.
An individual who inspired you? My mother has inspired me a lot to pursue this major. Having redone her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree, she understands everything that I have endured in college and has been very supportive of my decision to pursue my interests.
Future plans? With graduation around the corner, I will be taking growth years to travel and study for the MCAT before I apply to medical school.
2/26/24 Christian Chlebowski
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Government, Policymaking, and Law
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why individualized? I always knew that I wanted to be an accountant–but I didn't always know that I wanted to be involved in government, too. My individualized major allows me to academically explore government and policymaking in an intuitive way that complements my accounting background. Through this program, I am able to engage in courses I would not have otherwise been able to take.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The simulation that wrapped up "International Organizations and Law" (HRTS 3418) was a blast! Our task was to conclude a new international treaty about outer space exploration and mining rights, though various "countries" (groups) had different domestic goals. We had to negotiate on the international level while negotiating bilateral deals. It was an exercise in organized chaos, but it was incredibly engaging–and fun. Kudos to Professor David Richards for organizing it.
An individual who inspired you? There are so many! My brother is a huge inspiration because he is always looking for ways to positively impact others and use his skills to make the world a better place. Though I will say, if you'd asked me a few years ago if he was my inspiration, my answer would probably have been different. Look at that personal growth!
Future plans? I will be joining KPMG as a Federal Auditor in their Washington, D.C. office in the fall. In that role, I will work with teams across the country to audit the financial statements of various governmental agencies and ensure they are fulfilling their Congressional mandates.
2/19/24 Erin O’Neill
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Visual Media
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why individualized? I wanted to make sure that I was making the most out of my college career. In terms of time and money, I didn't want to spend my time taking classes that weren't exactly what I was looking for/needed. Being able to design my own plan of study meant I could ensure my time was being used as productively as possible.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My most memorable course was the digital production class I took last year. It had the most hands-on approach and by far taught me the most about production and advertising. My most memorable project was probably my capstone project where I had local ex-punks come into a photo studio so I could shoot a series of portraits of them in their punk attire.
An individual who inspired you? An individual who inspired me would probably be Dan Buttery. He kind of acts as my mentor with photography, I spend a lot of time with him and he always encourages me to take my ideas over the top.
Future plans? As of right now, my plan is to move to Austin, TX and pursue some kind of career in music. I've considered positions such as artist relations, marketing and music supervising. Apart from this I plan to continue exploring concert photography and merch design as a side gig.
2/12/24 Krithika Santhanam
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Health Policy and Racial Disparities
Graduation Date: May 2025
Why individualized? During high school, I became knowledgeable about healthcare disparities through a capstone project. I knew that I wanted to continue this work and build my knowledge in college. However, the courses I wanted to take regarding Health Policy were in numerous schools and colleges and there was no plan of study that really spoke to me. So, I decided to take the course on interdisciplinary studies and create my own plan of study to support my interests.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The most memorable courses from my major are classes taught by Professor Laura Mauldin, specifically Gender and Science in the department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Biotechnology, Disability, and the Family in the department of Human Development and Family Sciences.
An individual who inspired you? My Amma and Appa (mom and dad) inspired me to pursue this individualized major because at a time where I was unsure whether to pursue a major that's never been done before with no preexisting postgraduate opportunities provided by a school or college, they reminded me to take risks and make my own journey. They gave me the confidence and support to try new things and take college one day at a time.
Future plans? This is such a hard question even though graduation is not that far away, but, ideally, I hope to be working in spaces with health policy initiatives before I attend medical school. Whether that be through non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, or an MD/MPP, I know this knowledge will aid my service as a healthcare provider.
2/5/24 Patrick Murphy
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Paleontology as Outreach & Education
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why individualized? I knew what I wanted to study, and there was no major at UConn that really fulfilled my plan so I decided to make my own.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The three weeks I spent in South Africa as part of my South African Field Ecology Camp. Incredible wildlife and life-changing relationships.
An individual who inspired you? Many sources of inspiration, but special mention to Darren Naish, who showed me that a great passion for the history of life can lead to great success if you pursue the work.
Future plans? Would love to work in a museum setting, designing and facilitating curricula about dinosaurs to school groups and the broader public.
1/22/24 Kelly Ruesta Cayetano
Audio PlayerIndividualized Major: Health Disparities among Marginalized Groups
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why individualized? I chose an Individualized Major due to the different perspectives it entails. It was intriguing to combine different disciplines into what I wanted to study as I knew it would better equip me for my plans. As my concentration is on health disparities, I knew that I wanted to learn about health equity not only from the science perspective but also drawing in the social sciences to cover the intersectionality of this field.
Most memorable course or project from your major? The course that inspired me to create my major was "Science, Medicine and Race," taught by Matthew Hughey. This Sociology course taught me not only the current medical practices but also the historical context that affects the overall well-being of the patient population. It made me realize the importance of cultural competency and cultural humility. Although treating all patients equally sounds fair, different barriers affect different populations; therefore, an equitable approach needs to be learned.
An individual who inspired you? My father has inspired many of my accomplishments. He has continued to push me to make choices for myself and take the leap of faith. An individualized major is daunting due to the lack of a set study plan. However, this is also its benefit as you are the one in power to take the courses you want to help you grow.
Future plans? I'm planning on pursuing a Master of Public Health after graduating. Through this education, I want to continue to learn more about the social determinants of health and the actionable steps I can take to advocate for communities.