The purpose of the minor is to introduce students to the interdisciplinary study of crime and justice. Students pursuing this minor will be able to explore how crime is defined, what its causes are, what its impact is, and how social, political, and legal institutions shape and respond to it.
A total of 18 credits from the following:
1. Three credits from each group:
Group 1: Crime and Justice
- HIST 2550 Crime, Policing, and Punishment in the U.S.
- POLS 2827W Criminal Justice in Practice
- POLS 3827 Politics of Crime and Justice
- SOCI 2301 Criminology
- SOCI 2310 Intro to Criminal Justice
- SOCI/WGSS 3317 Women and Crime
Group 2: Deviance and Violence
- HDFS 3420 Abuse and Violence in Families
- PSYC 2300 Abnormal Psychology
- SOCI 2305 Deviant Behavior
- SOCI 2320 Drugs and Society
- WGSS/HRTS 2263 Women, Gender, and Violence
Group 3: Law
- HDFS 3520 Legal Aspects of Family Life
- HDFS 3540 Child Welfare, Law, and Social Policy
- PHIL 3226 Philosophy of Law
- POLS 3807 Constitutional Rights and Liberties
- POLS 3817 Law and Society
- SOCI 3823 Sociology of Law: Global and Comp. Perspectives
2. Six additional credits from any group above
3. Three credits of approved internship or field experience
- HDFS 3080 Supervised Field Experience
- INTD 3590 Urban Field Studies
- POLS 3991 Supervised Field Work
- PSYC 3880 Field Experience
- SOCI 3990 (2cr) Internship: Field Experience & 3991 (1cr) Internship: Research Paper
- URBN 3991 (2cr) and 3981 (1cr) Internship: Field Study and Internship Seminar
- Another 2000-level or higher internship or field work course approved in advance by the CJ minor coordinator
Internships must be with one of the institutions of the criminal justice system or with an agency that interacts on a day-to-day basis with criminal justice institutions.
Additional requirements:
- A maximum of six credits in the minor may be part of the major.
- A minimum of a C (2.0) must be earned in each of the courses to earn the minor.
- Variable topics, special topics, and education abroad courses may be used to meet the requirements of the minor when these focus on the theme of the minor. Approval by the minor advisory group is required; contact the coordinator.
Declaring a Crime and Justice minor
Go to the College of Liberal Arts Sciences Academic Services Center online program change page.
Submitting a Final Plan of Study
See the Forms and Deadlines page.