
Individualized Major: Creative Writing and Film
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I've been interested in writing and analyzing films for years, but I had never explored them in an academic setting. As I neared the end of my mathematics major, I knew I would have some flexibility and time to explore other topics. Thus, I began looking into ways that I could explore areas like creative writing and film through my courses and fortunately stumbled upon the possibility of creating an individualized major.
Most memorable course or project from your major? One of the most memorable courses I have taken as an individualized major is Film Writing (ENGL 3707/DMD 3830). In this course, we watched short films, analyzed specific aspects of different movie scenes, and learned how to create screenplays. This class allowed me to be creative and delve deeper into an area of filmmaking that I had been curious about. Through the course, I was even able to write my own short screenplay.
An individual who inspired you? My family has served as a continual source of inspiration throughout my life. They always push me to be the best I can and support me in all of my pursuits. Additionally, I am creatively inspired by many writers and directors. I am a big fan of the projects of Mike Flanagan, in particular.
Future plans? As of now, I am planning on pursuing graduate studies in mathematics. Although things are subject to change, I am aiming to earn my Ph.D. and potentially become a professor. I hope to continue writing screenplays in my spare time.