
Individualized Major: Multimedia Production
Graduation Date: May 2024
Why Individualized? I felt like I didn't fit into just one major at UConn. There were so many classes and opportunities presented and I wanted to explore as many as I could. When I transferred here halfway through my freshman year I was disappointed to find out there was no film program available. I learned I could create my own major that suits me and I immediately chose this route so that I would be able to take courses from different disciplines. Since then I have learned a lot in many areas and I feel that this was the most beneficial choice for me.
Most memorable course or project from your major? My Senior thesis has provided me with skills to help my future. My thesis is a research paper that reflects on a post I created for the company I am the social media intern for, The Farmer's Cow Calfe & Creamery. I went into depth researching, strategizing and taking apart the original post to figure out how to make it better and increase audience engagement. I made a completely new post with everything I learned and it was so rewarding to see all my hard work pay off as engagement increased. I can take away many lessons from this project that will apply to future advertising opportunities.
An individual who inspired you? My high school Video Production teacher, Danielle Crowe, is the reason I am pursuing media production today. Her class opened up a realm of possibility and is why I chose a path in visual media. My family also inspired me by encouraging my goals and providing me with unique media opportunities that I am forever grateful for and which have helped my career.
Future plans? My ultimate goal is to work either in journalism or sports reporting fields and see where opportunities may present themselves. I would like to also continue to work in UConn Athletic Video Services or start at a local news station.