
Individualized Major: Marine Resources and Indigenous Communities
Graduation Date: December 2023
Why Individualized? With an individualized major, I was able to blend together my two passions; environmental protection and helping underrepresented communities thrive. In order to understand all the possible ways the two intersected, I needed to develop an innovative major that viewed the world through an intersectional and equitable lens.
Most memorable course or project from your major? For my thesis project, I conducted policy research in fisheries management. The final product was a policy brief titled “Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in NOAA’s National Standards II.”
An individual who inspired you? Maritime Studies and History Professor, and former Obligatory Delegate for the New England Fisheries Council, Matthew McKenzie played a significant role as an inspiring mentor throughout my academic career.
IMJR life impact? My major created opportunity in career development, as I am currently working for the Town of Groton in the Office of Planning and Development Services as the new Sustainability and Resilience Specialist.