Global Studies Minor

The Global Studies Minor introduces students to the study of global issues and transnational processes and allows them to explore such themes as: peace, conflict, and security; international economics and development; natural resources and the environment; global health; and comparative cultures, arts, and identities. You can declare the Global Studies minor at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Academic Services Center online program change page.

Note: In addition to the coursework below, the minor requires participation in an approved Experiential Global Learning program that includes at least six weeks residence in a country other than the United States. Click the International Experience tab for details.


The Global Studies Minor comprises 18 credits of coursework, which must include the following:

  1. One course that serves as an introduction to Global Studies, drawn from the following list:
    • ANTH 1000 Peoples and Cultures of the World
    • GEOG 2000 Globalization
    • HIST 1201 Modern World History
    • NRE 2600 Global Sustainable Natural Resources
    • POLS 1402 Introduction to International Relations
    • SOCI 1701 Society in Global Perspective
    • WGSS 2124 Gender and Globalization
  2. Three courses selected from a single theme from the thematic course list.pdf. The themes are:
    • Peace, Conflict, and Security (PCS)
    • International Economics and Development (IED)
    • Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)
    • Global Health (GH)
    • Comparative Cultures, Arts, and Identities (CCAI)
  3. Two other courses. These courses may come from the themed course list above, or may be regional courses.pdf. If both courses are regionally-focused, they must be from two different regions. Regions are defined as:
    • Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
    • Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
    • South Asia (SA)
    • Central Asia (CA)
    • Southeast Asia (SEA)
    • East Asia (EA)
    • Europe (EUR)
    • Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
    • Oceania (OCE)

Education abroad courses, special topics courses, and variable topics courses may count towards the minor when these courses focus on one of the regions defined above or global issues, processes, trends, and systems. Three credits of independent study may be included when the independent study is focused on a global theme or one of the regions defined above.

Important Overlap Rule! No more than six credits may be taken in any one department or overlap with the plan of study of any one other major or minor.